
145 lines
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2023-10-14 16:28:19 +02:00
"use strict";
2023-10-13 20:48:11 +02:00
// Put all the javascript code here, that you want to execute after page load.
let bcFilled = false;
let bdayFilled = false;
2023-10-14 16:28:19 +02:00
let currentStage;
2023-10-13 20:48:11 +02:00
2023-10-14 16:28:19 +02:00
function executeStage(node) {
if (node.nodeType === 1) {
if (currentStage === undefined) {
currentStage = stages.shift();
if (currentStage.match(node)) {
console.log(currentStage.name, "matched");
console.log(currentStage.name, currentStage.execute(node) ? "executed" : "execution failed");
if (stages.length > 0) {
currentStage = stages.shift();
} else {
} else {
console.log(currentStage.name, "did not match");
2023-10-13 20:48:11 +02:00
2023-10-14 16:28:19 +02:00
2023-10-13 20:48:11 +02:00
function processMutations(mutationList, observer) {
for (const mutation of mutationList) {
if (mutation.type === "childList") {
2023-10-14 16:28:19 +02:00
2023-10-13 20:48:11 +02:00
2023-10-14 16:28:19 +02:00
let clickThroughForms;
2023-10-13 20:48:11 +02:00
let observer = new MutationObserver(processMutations);
const addObserver = () => {
2023-10-17 18:56:19 +02:00
browser.storage.sync.get(['autocontinue', 'enable']).then(v => {
2023-10-13 20:48:11 +02:00
clickThroughForms = !!v.autocontinue;
2023-10-17 18:56:19 +02:00
if (!!v.enable) {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true, subtree: true
2023-10-13 20:48:11 +02:00
2023-10-14 16:28:19 +02:00
const startClaim = {
name: "startClaim",
match: node => node.classList.contains("antrag-starten"),
execute: node => {
const startenButton = node.querySelector('button.test-antrag-starten-button');
if (startenButton instanceof HTMLButtonElement) {
startenButton.dispatchEvent(new Event('click', { bubbles: true }));
return true;
return false;
function fillBcnum(bcNumberInput) {
2023-10-13 20:48:11 +02:00
browser.storage.sync.get('bcnum').then(v => {
let bcNum = v.bcnum || null;
if (bcNum !== null && bcNum !== "") {
bcNumberInput.value = bcNum;
bcNumberInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));
2023-10-14 16:28:19 +02:00
return true;
2023-10-13 20:48:11 +02:00
2023-10-14 16:28:19 +02:00
return false;
2023-10-13 20:48:11 +02:00
2023-10-14 16:28:19 +02:00
function fillBday(birthdayInput) {
2023-10-13 20:48:11 +02:00
browser.storage.sync.get('bday').then(v => {
2023-10-14 16:28:19 +02:00
const bDay = v.bday || null;
2023-10-13 20:48:11 +02:00
if (bDay !== null && bDay !== "") {
birthdayInput.value = bDay;
birthdayInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));
bdayFilled = true;
2023-10-14 16:28:19 +02:00
return true;
2023-10-13 20:48:11 +02:00
2023-10-14 16:28:19 +02:00
return false;
const fillData = {
name: "fillData",
match: node => node.classList.contains("fahrgastrechte-bahn-card-auswahl"),
execute: node => {
let bcNumField, bdayField;
node.querySelectorAll('input').forEach(e => {
if (e.name === "fahrgastrechte-bahn-card-nummer") {
bcNumField = e;
} else if (e.name === "fahrgastrechte-bahn-card-auswahl-geburts-datum") {
bdayField = e;
return true;
const clickContinue = {
name: "clickContinue",
match: () => true,
execute: e => {
const continueButton = document.querySelector('.fahrgastrechte-bahn-card-auswahl button.fahrgastrechte-continue-button');
if (continueButton instanceof Element) {
continueButton.dispatchEvent(new Event('click'));
return true;
return false;
const iWasDelayed = {
name: "iWasDelayed",
match: node => node.classList.contains("antrags-typ-auswahl") && clickThroughForms,
execute: node => {
const delay = node.querySelector('input#antragstyp-verspaetung');
if (delay instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
delay.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
return true;
return false;
const moreThan60Minutes = {
name: "moreThan60Minutes",
match: node => node.classList.contains("verspaetungs-auswahl") && clickThroughForms,
execute: node => node.querySelector('#verspaetungstyp-mehr-als-stunde').dispatchEvent(new Event('change'))
const continueToForm = {
name: "continueToForm",
match: node => node.classList.contains("verspaetung-bestaetigung") && clickThroughForms,
execute: node => node.querySelector('button.fahrgastrechte-continue-button').dispatchEvent(new Event('click', { bubbles: true }))
let stages = [
startClaim, fillData, clickContinue, iWasDelayed, moreThan60Minutes, continueToForm