# CLI for First Data conversion rates ## Requirements * python3 with modules `PyPDF3`, `appdirs`, `mechanize` ### Caveat: Currently [python-mechanize](https://github.com/python-mechanize/mechanize) is not available via pip3. Therefore, you need to clone mechanize and symlink its mechanize/ directory here. ## Usage: `python3 crawl.py [-t {VISA,MC}] [-g ISO_DATE] [-r] {-i | CURRENCY AMOUNT}` ### OPTIONS #### `AMOUNT` This must be a number. #### `CURRENCY` This must be the three-letter currency abbreviation, case is irrelevant. #### `-t`, `--card-type` Choose the card type (MasterCard or VISA) #### `-g`, `--fetch-date` Date to get values for (default: yesterday, Friday on Sat-Mon)' Format: ISO date #### `-r`, `--direction` Reverse conversion direction (EUR to specified currency, instead of specified currency to EUR) #### `-i`, `--interactive` Calculate interactively on stdin ##### `q` Quit. ##### `AMOUNT CURRENCY` Convert AMOUNT euros to CURRENCY. ##### `CURRENCY AMOUNT` Convert AMOUNT CURRENCY to euros.